Tuesday 15 April 2014

Five Things to Always Have with You at Work

If there's one thing I've learned from working in the corporate world, there are certain things you need with you at work. How many times have we worn a new pair of heels to work; only to find out we can only make it half way through the workday in those shoes? Well, here are five things to always have with you at work and will save you from panicking halfway through the workday.

1. An extra pair of shoes -  Carry along with you to work or store in your desk a comfortable pair of shoes. It can either be your favorite pair of flats or comfy wedges. If you get that last minute call to run by the grocery store to pick up a laundry list of things for dinner, throw on your extra pair of shoes and you'll save yourself the pain of walking around the grocery store in your work shoes.


2. Nail kit -  A nail kit is a must for me. I have a small nail kit and I carry it everywhere I go; work, travel, dinner, etc. There have been so many times I've broken a nail and it snagged my blouse or tights, only to be left frustrated and longing for a nail file or clippers. This little nail kit will save you from those moments! I also use the nail clippers as scissors to cut off threads from my clothing, instead of pulling out the thread or endlessly searching for scissors. 


3. Chargers for your electronics  -  There's nothing worse than realizing your only have 5% battery left on your phone. Then you're left asking everyone in the office if they have an extra charger you could borrow. If you carry a laptop and/or tablet, make sure those chargers have a place in your bag. Chargers are fairly inexpensive. I'd recommend buying an extra charger for each device and storing them at your desk. 

4. Makeup kit -  For those extremely stressful days at work, sometimes if feels good to go to the bathroom and freshen up your makeup.Cover up the dark circles from under your eyes, apply a fresh coat of mascara, slap on your favorite lip gloss and you're ready for round 2 at work. It's also great when your colleagues invite you to a last minute happy hour. Fresh up beforehand and you'll be more willing to say "yes" to the next invitation. 


5. Snacks -  We've all had those days that you just don't have time to grab lunch and by the time 3pm hits, you're ready to eat someone alive. Do yourself a favor and grab a few bars and store them at your desk or take fruit with you to work. You'll save yourself from having hunger pains throughout the day. Another recommendation, buy a small container of protein powder and store it at your desk. If you skip lunch and don't have time to run to the cafeteria, put a few scoops of protein powder in a cup of water and that will fuel your body for a few hours. 

Hope these recommendations help make the workday a little less stressful. What are you "must haves" at work? 

Photo Credit : Emerson Fry

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